
Book Description

Pasola is set on Sumba Island in eastern Nusa Tenggara and addresses the impact of patriarchism as well as the tradition to uphold the honor of one’s family name.
Maria Matildis Banda, known for her writing regarding Nusa Tenggara culture and landscape, certainly fills that bill in PasolaPasola. Banda’s writing takes her readers on a wild ride between the 1934 and 1979 annual traditional sea worm harvest, Bau Nyale, and Pasola, the equestrian competition that follows the harvest celebration.

Led by human greed and lust, next-door-neighbors Ndalo and Waleka abuse their powers as village- and religious elders when treating their respective families in an autocratic, male-oriented manner. Immediate victims of their behavior are their first wives and Wula, Waleka’s only daughter.

Crazed by lust, Waleka accepts a large dowry for Wula from Ndalo when the girl is only seven years old. Waleka panics when suddenly Wula graduates from college and is a beautiful, young woman while Ndalo, calling in his note, makes arrangements for Wula to become his ninth wife. The girl’s integrity, her family’s love for each other, and Ndalo’s treacherous behavior save her from having to become the ninth wife of an uneducated man, who is older than her father.

Pasola provides the reader with an intimate look into Sumbanese culture and tradition as well as the manner in which it influences the islanders’ lives.


Product Detail

  • Price: $22.75
  • Paperback: 348 pages
  • Publisher: P.T.Nusa Indah
  • Language: Indonesian
  • ISBN: 978-623-99785-8-7
  • Product dimensions: 8.25 x 5.75 x 0.75 inches
  • Shipping weight: 1 lb.




Book Description

Pasola is set on Sumba Island in eastern Nusa Tenggara and addresses the impact of patriarchism as well as the tradition to uphold the honor of one’s family name.
Maria Matildis Banda, known for her writing regarding Nusa Tenggara culture and landscape, certainly fills that bill in PasolaPasola. Banda’s writing takes her readers on a wild ride between the 1934 and 1979 annual traditional sea worm harvest, Bau Nyale, and Pasola, the equestrian competition that follows the harvest celebration.

Led by human greed and lust, next-door-neighbors Ndalo and Waleka abuse their powers as village- and religious elders when treating their respective families in an autocratic, male-oriented manner. Immediate victims of their behavior are their first wives and Wula, Waleka’s only daughter.

Crazed by lust, Waleka accepts a large dowry for Wula from Ndalo when the girl is only seven years old. Waleka panics when suddenly Wula graduates from college and is a beautiful, young woman while Ndalo, calling in his note, makes arrangements for Wula to become his ninth wife. The girl’s integrity, her family’s love for each other, and Ndalo’s treacherous behavior save her from having to become the ninth wife of an uneducated man, who is older than her father.

Pasola provides the reader with an intimate look into Sumbanese culture and tradition as well as the manner in which it influences the islanders’ lives.


Product Detail

  • Price: $22.75
  • Paperback: 360 pages
  • Publisher: Dalang Publishing LLC
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-1-7357210-8-8
  • Product dimensions: 8.25 x 5.75 x 0.75 inches
  • Shipping weight: 1 lb.


Footprints / Tapak Tilas

Book Description

Footprints / Tapak Tilas is a bilingual compilation of 49 carefully selected stories about Indonesia’s colorful — albeit painful — history, rich culture, and diverse population. The collection features 44 authors and 18 translators.

The multigenerational authors range from established literary figures to young up-and-comers, fresh on the win of their first regional writing competition. The cast of translators is equally varied. Together, authors and translators offer the reader a wide variety of writing styles.

These narratives take the reader back to Indonesia’s colonial times, through the revolution, and to today’s independent Indonesia. Given this comprehensive range of material substance, the book satisfies most any reader’s interest.

The side-by-side presentation of the bilingual short stories we have gathered on our website over the course of ten years, makes FOOTPRINTS / TAPAK TILAS a remarkable resource for aspiring translators, as well as writers.


Product Detail

  • Price: $32.50
  • Paperback: 878 pages
  • Publisher: Dalang Publishing LLC
  • Language: bilingual Indonesian/ English
  • ISBN: 978-1-7357210-6-4
  • E-book ISBN: 978-1-7357210-7-1
  • Product dimensions: 8.25 x 5.75 x 2.25 inches


Tembang dan Perang

Book Description

Cerita Panji adalah satu-satunya cerita asli Indonesia yang selain telah menyebar ke seluruh Nusantara, dan menyeberang ke Malaysia, Thailand, Kamboja, Laos, dan Myanmar, juga bertahan sampai ratusan tahun lamanya. Dengan demikian bisa dimaklumi bila terdapat banyak ragam dari Cerita Panji. Unesco sudah mengakui kehebatan cerita Panji. Pada 31 Oktober 2017 Cerita Panji berjudul The Tale of Panji ditetapkan sebagai Memory of the World.

TEMBANG DAN PERANG bermula dari perang saudara yang terjadi setelah Raja Erlangga, yang bertakhta di Kerajaan Medhang pada 1009 M sampai dengan 1042 M dan yang wilayahnya membentang dari ujung timur pulau Jawa sampai dengan sungai Pamali di Brebes, membagi dua kerajaannya menjadi Kerajaan Janggala dan Kerajaan Kadiri.

Pada saat Jayabaya naik takhta Kerajaan Kadiri pada 1131 M, dia berhasil menundukkan Kerajaan Janggala dan mempersatukan lagi dua kerajaan yang saling bermusuhan itu. Namun pada tahun 1135 M, Jayabaya kembali membagi kerajaannya menjadi dua –wilayah Kadiri yang diberikan kepada putera kedua, Lembu Amerdadu, dan wilayah Janggala yang diberikan kepada putera ketiga, Lembu Amiluhur.

Dalam upayanya merukunkan kedua kerajaan, kedua raja yang bersaudara itu telah bersepakat untuk mengawinkan Sekartaji, puteri mahkota Kerajaan Kadiri, dan Panji Inu Kertapati, putera mahkota Kerajaan Janggala, yang keduanya masih remaja belia.

Sebulan sebelum dikawinkan, Panji jatuh cinta pada Angreni, anak patih Janggala dan mengawininya. Pada saat ayahnya menagih janjinya untuk mengawini Sekartaji, Panji menolak karena dia hanya ingin punya satu istri yaitu Angreni. Baginda Raja Janggala, ayah Panji, murka karena keputusan Panji itu menggagalkan rencananya. Untuk menghindarkan pertumpahan darah antara dua kerajaan yang rajanya bersaudara, Baginda Raja menyuruh Brajanata, kakak Panji dari lain ibu, untuk membunuh Angreni.

Sementara, pada saat pembunuhan terjadi, Panji disuruh pergi menemui bibinya di kediamannya.

Ketika pulang dan mendapati isterinya diculik kakaknya, Panji segera mengumpulkan rombongan untuk mencari Angreni. Sore itu mayat Angreni ditemukan terkubur di pantai di bawah setumpuk kembang angsana.

Mayat Angreni, yang dianggap Panji masih hidup, diajaknya berpesiar dengan perahu. Di tengah laut badai datang, dan rombongan Panji digulung ombak. Pada bencana itu yang selamat hanya seratus orang prajurit dan orang-orang terdekat Panji. Sementara, Panji dan rombongannya dianggap habis ditelan ganasnya lautan.

Panji ingin bisa kembali bersatu dengan istrinya, dan kematian yang dia inginkan adalah kematian bermartabat di medan perang. Panji menyamar sebagai Kelana Jayengsari dan berhasil menaklukkan enam wilayah, termasuk kerajaan dan beberapa kadipaten.

Keberhasilan Panji sebagai penakluk menarik hati Raja Kadiri yang sedang diancam oleh Raja Metaun yang hendak menyerang kerajaannya karena niatnya melamar Sekarjati ditolak. Raja Kadiri dan Panji berhasil mengalahkan Raja Metaun. Panji ditunangkan dengan Sekartaji.

Raja Janggala, yang masih menganggap Sekartaji sebagai calon istri Panji, mempersiapkan diri untuk menyerang Keraton Kadiri. Sebelum perang terjadi, terbukalah tabir bahwa Kelana Jayengsari sejatinya adalah Panji.

Perkawinan Panji dan Sekartaji berhasil menyatukan Janggala dan Kadiri. Panji naik takhta sebagai raja dengan gelar Kameswara pada 1185 M.


Product Detail

  • Price: $22.75
  • Paperback: 225 halaman
  • Publisher: P.T. Kanisius
  • Language: Indonesian
  • ISBN: 978-979-21-6371-1
  • Shipping weight: 0.5 kg



Panji’s Quest

Book Description

Panji’s Quest is a love story set before the reign of King Kameswara of Kadiri (r. 1135–1185). It is a part of the only original Indonesian stories that have been widely disseminated for centuries and were later combined into the Panji Tales. On October 30, 2017, UNESCO included The Tale of Panji in their “Memory of The World” documentary series.

In Panji’s Quest Panji, crown prince of the kingdom of Janggala and Sekartaji, crown princess of the kingdom of Kadiri, have been engaged since they were youngsters. However, the wedding does not proceed as planned by their parents. One month before the wedding ceremony Panji falls in love with Angreni, the daughter of the prime minister of Janggala.

Panji and Angreni marry. Panji decides he wants only one wife and refuses to marry Sekartaji.

Panji’s father becomes enraged when he hears that Panji has canceled his marriage with Sekartaji. As the king of Janggala, Panji’s father had planned to reunite the kingdoms of Janggala and Kadiri through this marriage.

Faced with the dilemma that Panji’s refusal to marry Sekartaji might ignite a war between the two kingdoms, the Janggala king orders the murder of Angreni and sends Panji to visit his aunt.

When Panji returns from his visit and finds that his wife has been kidnapped, he immediately starts to search for his wife.

When Panji finds his wife’s dead body on a remote beach buried under angsana flowers, his pain is so deep that he goes crazy. He puts his wife’s body on a ship and, with his shipmates, heads out to sea. A storm hits their ship, stranding Panji and his shipmates on a beach at the far eastern end of the island of Java.

With great difficulty, Panji’s shipmates finally persuade him to bury his wife. To help Panji overcome his grief, they suggest to Panji to become a warrior. They advise him to disguise himself. Panji changes his name to Kelana Jayengsari and becomes a well-known warlord.

Word of his fame reaches the ears of Sekartaji’s father, the king of Kadiri who is under the threat of an imminent invasion by King Metaun’s army. King Metaun was scorned because Sekartaji had rejected his proposal of marriage.

When the invasion of Kadiri occurs, Kelana Jayengsari, with his comrades, not only repel the invaders but also kill King Metaun. As his reward, Kelana Jayengsari is given Sekartaji to marry.

The news of Kelana Jayengsari and Sekartaji’s betrothal infuriates the king and lords of Janggala. In their minds, Sekartaji was still engaged to their missing crown prince. Janggala decides to attack Kadiri. But when Janggala’s army arrives at Kadiri’s borders, Kelana Jayengsari meets the generals of Janggala. It becomes immediately clear that Kelana Jayengsari is Panji.

The story ends with the wedding of Panji and Sekartaji. In 1185 CE Panji is crowned king of Kadiri. He rules over the united kingdoms of Kadiri and Janggala and becomes known as King Kameswara.


Product Detail

  • Price: $22.75
  • Paperback: approximate 225 pages
  • Publisher: Dalang Publishing LLC
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-1-7357210-1-9
  • Product dimensions: 8.25 x 5.75 x 0.75 inches
  • Shipping weight: 1 lb.


Lolong Anjing di Bulan

Book Description

Dari tahun 1989 sampai 2002, Nazir menyaksikan sejarah kelam bangkitnya pemberontakan di kampung halamannya. Dia putra tunggal seorang petani di Alue Rambe, kampung terpencil di pegunungan Aceh Utara sebelah selatan kota Lhokseumawe.

Ayah Nazir menafkahi keluarganya dari hasil berkebun dan berladang dengan menanam kelapa, pinang, kemiri, padi gunung, dan kunyit.

Munculnya pemberontakan, yang terkenal sebagai Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, seketika mengubah kehidupan seluruh penghuni kampung.

Arkam, adik ibu Nazir, adalah seorang pemberontak yang menghasut penduduk untuk melawan tentara yang dikirim dari Jakarta untuk membasmi pemberontakan. Arkam membujuk Ayah untuk menerima jabatan camat dalam Gerakan Aceh Merdeka.

Arkam terlibat dalam penyerangan markas tentara di Krueng Tuan pada 26 September 1989 dan di Buloh Blang Ara pada 28 Mei 1990. Tentara mengamuk atas serangan itu; mereka membalas serangan pemberontak yang menyebabkan penduduk kampung dicengkeram ketakutan siang dan malam. Akhirnya Arkam tertangkap dan dibunuh tentara dalam perjalanan pulang dari menjenguk ibunya yang sekarat.

Nazir, yang waktu itu masih siswa SMP, hanya mampu menyaksikan betapa parahnya kehidupan orang-orang di sekitarnya. Dia akrab dengan keluarganya dan rajin membantu Ayah di ladang. Ayah menekankan pentingnya pendidikan kepadanya.

Melihat Ayah yang menderita akibat bujukan Arkam, yaitu untuk menjadi camat dalam gerakan pemberontak, membuat hati Nazir resah tidak menentu. Terlebih saat sejumlah serdadu memerkosa kakaknya dan membunuh Ayah, jiwa Nazir begitu hebat terguncang. Kehilangan gadis cinta pertamanya yang terseret dalam pergaulan bebas dengan tentara menyebabkan dendamnya terhadap tentara semakin membara.

Setelah Ayah tewas, Nazir terpaksa menggantikan tanggung-jawab ayahnya sebagai kepala keluarga. Susah payah dia menyelesaikan SMA yang ditempuhnya sambil bekerja di ladang dengan bantuan ipar, ibu, dan dua kakaknya. Sementara itu, kerusuhan akibat perseteruan antara pemerintah dan pemberontak terus berlanjut, dan kekacauan itu menyebarkan penderitaan pada rakyat Aceh; korban pun terus berjatuhan setiap harinya.
Dalam keterpurukan hidup dan terperangkap dalam buruknya keadaan, Nazir tetap bersekolah dan bekerja di ladang. Dia merindukan ketenangan dan kedamaian dengan hidup tanpa ketakutan.


Product Detail

  • Price: Rp.85.000.00
  • Paperback: 343 pages
  • Publisher: Danata Dharma University Press & Dalang Publishing
  • Language: Indonesian
  • ISBN: 978-602-5607-43-1
  • Product dimensions: 20 x 14 x 2 cm
  • Shipping weight: 0.5 kg



Blood Moon over Aceh

Book Description

Blood Moon over Aceh the English language translation by Maya Denisa Saputra of Lolong Anjing di Bulan by Arafat Nur (Penerbit Universitas Sanata Dharma 2018 ISBN 978-602-5607-43-1).

The story is set between 1989 and 2002 in Alue Rambe, an isolated agricultural village south of Lhokseumawe City, in Aceh, Indonesia. Born in 1976, into a famer’s family, Nazir’s life becomes a part of Aceh’s dark, rebellious history that recounts the injustice the Soeharto government imposed on the Acehnese.

Arkam, Nazir’s uncle, is a high-ranking officer in the resistance movement. He recruits villagers to join the rebellion and fight the military troops sent by the Jakarta government to put an end to the revolt. Arkam persuades Ayah, Nazir’s father, to accept the position of district chief for the rebellion.

When Arkam attacks the military base in Krueng Tuan on September 26, 1989, and in Buloh Blang Ara on May 28, 1990, an enraged army takes revenge on the rebels’ attack. Arkam is captured and killed after visiting his dying mother.

Nazir, still in middle school at that time, can only witness the predicament the people around him experience. His sister’s rape and Ayah’s murder by soldiers fuels Nazir’s hatred towards the military.

After Ayah death, Nazir becomes the head of the family. He works in the fields while finishing high school. Meanwhile, the fights between the government’s army and the rebels continue, and the Acehnese population is subjected to unimaginable cruelties and injustices.

Trapped in the bad situation, Nazir yearns for tranquility and peace. He decides to join the rebels — not to overtake the government, but rather to put an end to the brutality of the soldiers aimed at the Acehnese.

After living in the grip of war for twenty-five years, the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (COHA), which was signed on December 9, 2002, brings the people of Aceh much needed relief. During this hopeful time, Nazir marries the girl next door.


Product Detail

  • Price: $22.75
  • Paperback: 339 pages
  • Publisher: Dalang Publishing
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-0-9836273-4-0
  • Product dimensions: 8 x 5.5 x 0.75 inches
  • Shipping weight: 1 lb


Book Description

Willem Kappers, seorang sarjana Skotlandia, ditugaskan untuk menyelidiki artinya bronjong di Pulau Jawa yang pada tahun 1811 direbut oleh kerajaan Inggris dari kekuasan Belanda.

Residen Yogjakarta menugaskan Willem untuk menyelidiki cara hidup orang Jawa di Kasultanan Yogjakarta di bawah pemerintah Sultan Hamengkubuwono IV. Tugas ini melibatkan Willem dalam kecurangan penduduk kesultanan dan memperkenalkannya dengan Dasamuka, seorang priyayi yang cerdas.

Dasamuka menyertakan Willem dalam kerusuhan orang kecil menghadapi penindasan penjajah Inggris dan Belanda maupun kepongahan dan kesewenang-wenangan keraton.

Pada tahun 1816 Belanda kembali dan Willem merasa tidak nyaman berada di Kasultanan. Namun, dia masih ingin membantu gerakan bawah tanah yang dipimpin Pangeran Diponegoro II.

Sesudah meninggalnya Sultan Hamengkubuwono IV, keadaan di Kasultanan makin rusuh. Willem pulang ke Edinburgh awal bulan Maret, 1824.


Product Detail

  • Price: Rp.90.000.00
  • Paperback: 290 pages
  • Publisher: Penerbit Ombak
  • Language: Indonesian
  • ISBN: 978-6-0225843-2-2
  • Product dimensions: 8 x 5.5 x 0.75 inches
  • Shipping weight: 1 lb





Book Description

Dasamuka is the English language translation by Maya Denisa Saputra of Dasamuka by Junaedi Setiyono (Penerbit Ombak 2017 ISBN 978-602-258-432-2).

A Scottish academic, journeying to the island of Java in 1811, is quickly drawn into the struggle of the Javanese people as they fight back against colonial powers and their own corrupt aristocracy.

Willem Kappers, a Scottish scientist, learns about intrigue in nineteenth century royal Javanese court and witnesses colonialism change powerful kings into puppets of the Dutch and English authorities. Kappers’ involvement with an ambitious Javanese nobleman, Dasamuka, gives the reader an intimate glimpse into the struggle of the Javanese commoner against the oppression of the reigning sultan as well as the colonial powers.


Product Detail

  • Price: $22.75
  • Paperback: 265 pages
  • Publisher: Dalang Publishing
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-0-9836273-1-9
  • Product dimensions: 8 x 5.5 x 0.75 inches
  • Shipping weight: 1 lb

Cloves for Kolosia

Book Description

The VOC – Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (Dutch East India Company) – ruled over the exotic Indonesian Spice Islands from 1599 to 1799. In their zealous attempt to dominate the spice trade, the Dutch ruthlessly destroyed anything or anyone who dared to oppose them. Entire islands were burned to the ground and the inhabitants murdered to extinction.

Gamati swears to save his family line from annihilation when he and his family fall victim to the infamous plunder expeditions of the VOC. To escape the colonialists’ cruelties, he leads his orphaned grandchildren and a small group of fellow villagers to the safety of another, remote, island north of their current location. The birth of Kolosia, his great-grandson, at sea, assures Gamati of his family’s ability to sail the Moluccan seas freely in years to come.


Product Detail

  • Price: $22.75
  • Paperback: 334 pages
  • Publisher: Dalang Publishing
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-0-9836273-8-8
  • Product dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.7 inches
  • Shipping weight: 1 lb

Love, Death and Revolution

Book Description

Early 1947: In a world still reeling from the aftermath of World War II, Indonesians revolt against Dutch attempts to recolonize their country. Major Sadeli of the Indonesian Army Intelligence travels to Singapore disguised as a sugar merchant. He is tasked with establishing naval and air routes to Sumatra and Java and securing weapons and radio equipment vital to the Indonesian revolution. Sadeli must also investigate fellow undercover agent Umar Yunus, suspected of embezzling revolution funds. In Singapore Sadeli joins forces with journalist-turned-patriot Ali Nurdin.

As the Dutch launch their two Politionele Acties, military aggressions to squash Indonesia’s independence, the three men are forced to choose between personal happiness and commitment to a higher cause. Driven by the desire for Indonesia to be prosperously independent, independently prosperous, and no longer dependent on larger nations’ pity, they bravely face death as they fight off Dutch attacks by air and sea.

Product Detail

  • Price: $22.75
  • Paperback: 290 pages
  • Publisher: Dalang Publishing
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-0-9836273-5-7
  • Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.7 inches
  • Shipping weight: 1 lb

The Red Bekisar

Book Description

In a village of coconut growers in Central Java during the 1960s, Lasi is a young half-Japanese, half-Javanese beauty among the rough tappers harvesting the sap for making brown sugar. Kanjat and Lasi are schoolmates but kept apart by different economic backgrounds, Kanjat being the son of the man who controls the village’s wealth.

Lasi marries Darsa, a tapper, and the couple is happy until he falls while climbing a tree.
A medicine woman cures him in exchange for impregnating her daughter. Devastated, Lasi flees to Jakarta and meets Ibu Lanting, the madam of an exclusive prostitution service. Being a much desired but disposable ornament motivates her to leave the city for home.

Lasi and Kanjat discover their affection for each other remains. Their bond is the village:
the ground it stands on, its people and their traditions. The introduction of electricity threatens the coconut trees, as Lasi and Kanjat struggle to free her from Ibu Lanting’s far-reaching web of corruption. Their triumph is a victory of honor over the unethical.


Product Detail

  • Price: $22.75
  • Paperback: 280 pages
  • Publisher: Dalang Publishing
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-0-9836273-2-6
  • Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.7 inches
  • Shipping weight: 1 lb

Daughters of Papua

Book Description

In Tanah Tabu Leksi and her two pets tell the story of grandmother Mabel, a woman from the Dani tribe, born and raised in Papua’s interior. The de Wissels, Dutch missionaries, take the bright 8 year old along to the city under the pretense of adopting her.

Mabel quickly adapts to being domestic help and is eager to learn, but her request to attend school is denied; “You know enough and learning too much will only harm you.” Mabel realizes the falsehood of the missionaries’ claim to better Papuans’ life when Christmas shopping proves more important than tending to a suicidal Papua woman, a victim of domestic abuse.

At the end of de Wissels’ term, Mabel returns to her village where, along with the Papua people, she suffers the consequence of the government leasing Papua’s land to Freeport Mc. Moran, a foreign mining company. Hoping to prevent her granddaughter Leksi from having to suffer the same lot, Mabel speaks out against the blatant injustice Papua is subjected to. She dies opposing the rape of the Papua land and its people.


Product Detail

  • Price: $22.75
  • Paperback: 178 pages
  • Publisher: Dalang Publishing
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-0-9836273-9-5
  • Product dimensions: 8 x 5.5 x 0.5 inches
  • Shipping weight: 1 lb


Book Description

Religious conflict between Christians and Muslims erupts during the last days of Suharto’s regime. Namira and her parents live on Kei Kecil Island when fighting breaks out. The Kei people live in harmony regardless of religion. Namira, a Muslim, loses both her parents and must flee.

Sala, a young Protestant, leaves home after his mother is murdered. He meets Namira at a refugee camp and the two fall in love before being separated by the continuing violence.

The unexplainable violence threatens the islanders’ survival. Namira travels by boat to Makassar, and taken in by a mother and daughter, while Sala goes to Jakarta and is ensnared by Boss Yo’s gang of debt collectors. He commits murder for hire after Namira’s life is threatened.

The violence on Kei is settled through the power of Kei tradition that prohibits fighting except for defending a woman’s honor and one’s property.

Namira returns home and reunites with her best friend, a Christian. Sala flees from the police and dies from a wound onboard a ship sailing toward home.


Product Detail

  • Price: $22.75
  • Paperback: 226 pages
  • Publisher: Dalang Publishing (October 1, 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-0-9836273-6-4
  • Product dimensions: 5.2 x 8 x 0.5 inches
  • Shipping weight: 9.3 ounces

Perempuan Kembang Jepun

Book Description

Perempuan Kembang Jepun by Lan Fang is the original of Potions and Paper Cranes the English rendition by Elisabet Titik Murtisari .

Persoalan yang diangkat dalam Perempuan Kembang Jepun adalah persoalan tentang manusia dan kemanusiaan. Kehidupan Sulis, seorang mbok jamu gendong, dan Matsumi, seorang geisha yang ditempatkan di Surabaya, bersimpangan dalam kehidupan Sujono, seorang kuli, dan menyatu dalam kehidupan Lestari, buah cinta Sujono dan Matsumi. Melalui novel sejarah ini pembaca diperkenalkan pada perbedaan kesetaraan yang dialami oleh perempuan selama zaman penjajahan Jepang dan hubungan antar keturunan yang berbeda dalam masyarakat.


Product Detail

  • Paperback: 288 pages
  • Publisher: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
  • Language: Indonesian
  • ISBN: 9792224041
  • Product dimensions: 8 x 5.5 x 0.6 inches

Potions and Paper Cranes

Book Description

Publication Date: December 2013

Potions and Paper Cranes is the English translation by Elisabet Titik Murtisari of Perempuan Kembang Jepun by Lan Fang 
(PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2006 ISBN 978-979-22-8100-2).

Sulis is a young woman who sells potions in Surabaya’s harbor district. In her basket she carries sweet rice and ginger potion, betel leaf potion, and tamarind leaf refreshing potion. Her tonics remedy everything from obesity to weakening virility. The route is long and the days are hot. She meets Sujono, a coolie with dreams of becoming a freedom fighter. They marry and have a son, Joko, that Sujono believes is from Sulis being with another man. Behind the walls of their squalid tenement they fight their own war, while on the streets World War II comes to an end and the Indonesian Revolution is on the rise.

Matsumi, a poor girl growing up in a fishing village in Japan, always wanted to be a geisha. Her beauty and grace help Matsumi realize her goal and soon she is called to Java by a Japanese general to provide him with pleasure while waging war. She works at a club on Kembang Jepun until Sujono sees her. He is immediately taken by her exotic loveliness. They, too, have a child, and are torn apart by desire and jealousy while Indonesia struggles for its first breaths as a new nation.

Award-winning author Lan Fang tells their stories in separate first person narratives. Critics have praised Lan Fang for her ability to cross the borders of gender, race, and religion. She passed away in 2011, loved by her readers and leaving behind nine novels in addition to many short stories.


Product Detail

  • Price: $22.75
  • Paperback: 256 pages
  • Publisher: Dalang Publishing LLC
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-0-9836273-3-3
  • Product dimensions: 5 3/4 x 8 inches
  • Shipping weight: 1 lb.

Only a Girl

Book Description

Publication Date: June 30, 2011

In Only a Girl three generations of Chinese women struggle for identity against a political backdrop of the world economic depression of the 1930s, World War II, and the Indonesian Revolution. Nanna, the matriarch of the family, strives to preserve the family’s traditional Chinese values while her children are eager to assimilate into Dutch colonial society. Carolien, Nanna’s youngest daughter, is fixated on the advantages promised by adopting a western lifestyle. She is proven wrong through her turbulent and ultimately failed marriage and the consequences of raising her daughter in the Dutch culture. Jenny’s western upbringing puts her at a disadvantage in the newly independent Indonesian state where Dutch culture is no longer revered. The unique ways in which Nanna, Carolien and Jenny face their own challenges reveal the complex tale of Chinese society in Indonesia between 1930 and 1952.


Product Detail

  • Price : $22.75
  • Paperback: 298 pages
  • Publisher: Dalang Publishing LLC
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-0-9836273-7-1
  • Product dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.7 inches
  • Shipping weight: 1 lb

Mengadang Pusaran

Book Description

Mengadang Pusaran is a translation of Only a Girl. Translation and publishing rights were purchased by P.T. Kanisius in February of 2020.


Product Detail

  • Price: Rp.132.000.00
  • Paperback: 456 pages
  • Publisher: PT. Kanisius
  • Language: Indonesian
  • ISBN: 978-979-21-6697-2
  • Product dimensions: 8 x 5.5 x 0.75 inches
  • Shipping weight: 1 lb.

Namaku Mata Hari

Book Description

Namaku Mata Hari by Remy Sylado – PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama 2010 – ISBN 978-979-22-6281-0 is the original of My Name Is Mata Hari the English rendition by Dewi Anggraeni.

Hidup di seputar akhir abad ke-19 awal abad ke-20, Mata Hari seperti mewadahi berbagai gejolak zaman yang menjadi ciri khas pergantian abad, sampai kemudian terseret menjadi mata-mata ganda bagi Prancis dan Jerman pada Perang Dunia I. Dalam novel ini dikisahkan babak hidupnya yang belum banyak disingkap, yakni hidup Mata Hari di Indonesia.


Product Detail

  • Price :
  • Paperback: 559 pages
  • Publisher: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
  • Language: Indonesian
  • ISBN: 978-979-22-6281-0
  • Product dimensions: 8 x 5.5 x 1.5 inches

My Name Is Mata Hari

Book Description

Publication Date: September 2012

My Name Is Mata Hari is Dewi Anggreani’s English rendition of Namaku Mata Hari by Remy Sylado
(PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2010 ISBN 978-979-22-6281-0).

What drove Margaretha  Geertruida Zelle, a simple Dutch girl, to become Mata Hari? Acclaimed Indonesian author, Remy Sylado delves into her psyche  with emphathy as he imagines her transformation.

Obsessed with the belief that her mother’s roots were in Java, Indonesia, and eager to leave her alcoholic father, Margaretha sets her scandalous love life in motion when at eighteen years old, she marries much older Rudolph Campbell MacLeod, an officer in the Dutch colonial army. A violent sexual deviant, MacLeod fathers their son, Norman John, before their departure to the Indies.

Once in Java, Margaretha escapes from her husband’s abusive behavior by immersing herself in local culture. Pregnant with her second child, she joins an artists’ community near the Borobudur temple in Central Java, where she learns Javanese dances and is particularly drawn to its erotic form. A visiting high ranking colonial government official and the first of her many lovers, Cremer, this covers Margaretha and paves her way to become a professional performer.

The gynecologist who delivers her daughter, Jeanne Louisa, tells Margaretha that  Norman John, lame, mute, and almost blind, is a victim of syphilis transmitted by McLeod.  Enraged, she files for a divorce and stages her rebellion against patriarchy by indulging in an extravagant lifestyle and adopting the name Mata Hari from the Malay mata hari, meaning “eye of the day.”

Europe welcomes Mata Hari’s erotic delivery of exotic Javanese dance with sold out performances. She quickly becomes the most famous courtesan of her time. Meanwhile, the Dutch court grants her a divorce but declares her an unfit mother.

The forces that sweep WWI across Europe also drive Vladimir Masloff, a Rusian captain, into Mata Hari’s arms and, for the first time, she falls hopelessly in love. When Masloff loses his eyesight on the battlefield, she is determined to make enough money to spend the remainder of her life doing nothing else but taking care of him.

With high ranking military officers on either side of the battlefield vying for her favors, the war offers Mata Hari an opportunity to earn money quickly. Over-confident in her ability to seduce the most powerful men, she becomes ensnared in the political web. When French authorities arrest her for spying for Germany, Mata Hari is unable to prove her innocence.

In My Name Is Mata Hari  Margaretha Geertruida Zelle tells her story to the priest and the nun sent to provide her with spiritual support during her last days in the Saint Lazare prison before her execution by a military firing squad on October 15, 1917 in Bois de Vincennes, France. She was 41.


Product Detail

  • Price : $22.75
  • Paperback: 334 pages
  • Publisher: Dalang Publishing LLC
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-0-9836273-0-2
  • Product dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.7 inches
  • Shipping weight: 1 lb