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Congress Of Indonesian Diaspora

The first Congress of Indonesian Diaspora was held in Los Angeles on July 6 – 8, 2012. The excellent leadership of the Indonesian Ambassador to the USA, Dr. Dino Patti Djalal, brought together representatives of the Indonesian government and individuals of Indonesian heritage scattered across the world. Professionals as well as laymen acknowledged and nurtured their common heritage in an atmosphere filled with nostalgia, hope and ambition. It was impossible to escape the feelings of wonder and amazement while exchanging information, views and experiences with kinfolks as far away as Saudi Arabia and as near as Arizona, with students and retirees alike.

CID provided us with the opportunity to share our concern for the well-being of the Indonesian language and our mission to promote Indonesian literature and history to the English reading public with kindred spirits. We were honored by the interest of the Minister of Education, His Excellency Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Nuh and the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Her Excellency Dr. Mari Elka Pangestu in our endeavors while closer to home the vice council of the Indonesian Consulate in Chicago, Redo Ferdiansyah, favored us with his time and interest.

We hope that CID will continue to succeed in gathering and nurturing Indonesian talent and ambition for the benefit of our homeland, Indonesia.

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